Menu Bar

> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Michael Chu <>
> *Date:* February 23, 2011 6:56 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Menu Bar
> Stephen,
> On WebPDI, is there a way we can make the Header bar(or whatever you'd
> call it) scroll/float down as you scroll down names on your PDI sheet.
> I know it sounds silly, but seeing Tuesday, wednesday, Thursday etc
> and DG, D, S, CPO, R directly above their names would make it easier
> vs having to line it up. I know that you put the mouse over it and it
> tells you what box you are on. But I think being able to just see it
> right above would make it easier
> --
> **The NJ Legacy Division*
> Creating National Champions at Every Level!
> Michael Chu
> Division Manager
> Vector Marketing
> "What lies behind us, and what lies before us, are tiny matters
> compared to what lies within us."
> -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
> *

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