AM Activity

Josh : 

Is it possible to put something on webpdi so if a manager is away from the office for an extended period of time, he can check some sort of logs. This would be effective for knowing who's taking PDI and what time they're doing it at. Let me know what you think.

I'm looking more for assistant manager logs. Similiar to the way a manager could review receptionists logs. Example : 
Sure, I would like to be able to see when my AM's login to webpdi.. I'd like to see every action that they take and at what time. For instance..

7:30am - Login - Jake Bain
7:32am - incoming call - jennifer botty
7:45am - incoming txt - john smith
7:50am - incoming call - jackie robinson
8:00am - outgoing call LM - sandy sue

I think this would be great for holding AM's and PSM's accountable... 



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