Excused AM/PM status with ability to set day intervals.

-Submitted by Kevin Hanna

I’d like our managers to be able to mark a rep as “Excused” from PDI or a WTM for a certain date range so that when we know someone is gone on vacation (as an example) that we don’t accidently try to call them out for missing PDI when they shouldn’t be bothered.   Maybe even allow a recurring event option where we can select any day of the week as a Day the rep is excused from Activity (maybe due to a class conflict or another job every Friday when they can’t work).   Otherwise, we are just typing into the Long Term notes, but I’d like it when the PDI marks are cleared each day if the PDI system automatically marked “E” or “Excused” for Excused in those days that have a known conflict – same for meetings or conferences once that is built into the system.  

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