DTT didnt touch today

I mentioned it to Isaac and he told me to forward it to you. could you make a reps first name turn red after 2 days of not having TT1,TT2,TT3 or done entered in the am or pm status box. after 3 days of "DTT" have there whole name in bold red or something so managers can easily touch the reps that are in danger of becoming dead. also an event check box would be cool for team meeting or phone jams. thanks WEB PDI ROCKS!

Submitted from: http://www.webpdi.com/

Hi Thomas,

Good idea. I'm going to add this to the feature request forum! Try to get people to discuss and up-vote your idea by linking to the post! :)



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    Spencer Hoff

    Like Like Like!!!


    ~Spencer H

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    great idea!

    insead of having it set as 2 days, what if the manager could go under settings and choose how many dtt's it takes to turn red 

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