If the rep's email address or first+last name (in their profile) matches a taken CVI in our system, you will see their primary & secondary core values in their profile underneath their contract date.

Upgrades at a new lower price!

Click on their primary/secondary text to open the CVI box. If the CVI has already been paid for, you will be able to see the CVI scores #'s AND the Weighted Core Values graph. You can upgrade your rep's CVI with only two clicks. WebPDI is the first to offer the full CVI for the lower price of $29.95 instead of $49.


We have created a discussion thread (Discuss tab) for each of the 12 primary/secondary core value combinations. All of you CVI fans can now collaborate on how to better work with reps based on their CVI score.

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  • 0
    Patrick Darrough

    Is there any way to MANUALLY add their CVI or to somehow link it in a different way?  One of my reps has taken the CVI but it has not updated anything on her profile.  Please help Stephen!  Thanks.

  • 0
    Stephen Rhyne

    Hi Patrick, we match first by email then we try to match by first+last name. I will follow up with you to get it worked out :)

  • 0
    Emily Dishong

    How do we get their CVI info into your system? Also, can I manually add their CVI info?


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